Five important Health tips

We got to be fit enough and healthy in order to lead a good life. Nowadays, life has become too simple and fast. You can get anything by just making a phone call. More and more people are becoming the victims of obesity, cholestrol, diabetes, heart attack, etc. This article highlights five health tips that can help you to live along and healthy life.
5 Health tips
The five health tips that can help you to lead a long and healthy life are given below:
Healthy diet: You need to have a nutritious diet. You need to include lots of vegetables, fruits and whole grains, shoots, seeds in your diet. You must eat those foods which have good amount of protein and carbohydrate in your diet. Women must increase their calcium intake as they tend to suffer from osteoporosis in their old age. Therefore, they need to take foods which are rich in calcium such as milk, curd, cheese, tofu, spinach, brocoli, etc. Drink lots of water as it cleanses the body. Avoid taking too much of tea and coffee.
Eat between meals: Another factor is that people tend to take long gaps between meals. This tends to increase the possibility of obesity. You need to have four square meals in a day. You should take a very heavy breakfast. It is better to take light meals throughout the day. You must eat at regular intervals.
Avoid junk foods: Fast foods or junk foods are extremely popular nowadays. Avoid taking junk foods (pizza, burger, cold drinks, chips, etc) at all cost. Parents and schools should not allow children to take junk foods. These foods make people obese. Heart patients should avoid spicy, oily foods as these increases the cholestrol level.
Physical excercise: Excercise keeps the body fit and healthy. It lowers your risk for disease, protects your bones and joints, reduces stress. You must exercise regularly. You don't need to go to a gym everyday. You can go for morning walks, jogging, cycling or climb stairs to stay active.
Reduce stress: You need to reduce stress in order to be fresh and healthy. You can devote your time to pursue your hobbies (reading, chatting, playing games, gardening, watching tv, listening music, etc) in order to get relief from stress and anxiety.
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