Non Owner Car Insurance: The Ultimate In Penny-Pinching Insurance Coverage

Car insurance can be expensive, so it comes as no surprise that people are constantly looking for ways to save on it. What is most important when looking for the cheapest car insurance option, though, is to ensure that you do not sacrifice coverage for cost. Your insurance policy must be right for you, and so you must have the right coverage, that will actually cover the circumstances you might find yourself in. This requires understanding what those cheap insurance options really are, and then determining if they are a true value for you.

One of the absolute cheapest forms of car insurance is non owner car insurance. For the right people, non owner auto insurance is a great buy; but it is not right for the majority of drivers. So let's take a look at who it is right for, and who can really benefit from this very economical car insurance option.

What Is Non Owner Car Insurance?

Simply put, non-owner car insurance is exactly what it sounds like it is. It is insurance for a person who is not the owner of the vehicle being driven. It is auto insurance that is carried at a low premium by an individual so that that person is covered if they are in an accident and cause injury or property damage in someone else's car. Note that this is not coverage paid for by a car's owner, it is paid for by the person carrying the policy. If an accident occurs, the policy kicks in on top of the policy that the vehicle owner has to provide personal protection to the non-owner driver.

Why Would You Want Non-Owner Car Insurance?

You might choose to purchase such a policy for just that reason- to ensure that you cannot be held personally liable in the event of an accident in a vehicle you do not own. If you own no vehicle, have no policy, but occasionally drive someone else's car, this is a good, cheap way to be covered. However, it will not cover you if you own a vehicle and have another policy – at that point it is just duplicate coverage - and it will not cover you in a work-related or company vehicle.

Non owner auto insurance is cheap because it is very limited. However, any driver should always carry insurance coverage, and so if you are an occasional driver with no other policy using vehicles you do not own, this affordable insurance option is definitely something worth its minimal investment.


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